Omdat veel van mijn publicaties in het Engels zijn verschenen is onderstaand overzicht in het Engels opgesteld.
- 2023. Totale ruimte. Jaap Bakema 1914-1981 In de voetsporen van een bouwkunstenaar. Amsterdam: Querido Fosfor.
- 2021. Moral leadership in times of crisis. Booklet co-authored with journalist Janneke Juffermans.
- 2020. Space for faith-based organizations in times of Covid-19. Research report commissioned by the Civic Engagement Alliance (CEA).
- 2019.Spiritueel kapitaal en duurzame ontwikkeling. Onderzoeksrapport Amsterdam Centrum voor Religie en Duurzame Ontwikkeling, VU Amsterdam.
- 2018. ‘If you need us, allow us!’ The role of faith-based organisations in enhancing civic space. Examples from Kenya, Ethiopia and Indonesia. Research report commissioned by the Civic Engagement Alliance (CEA).
- 2017. We the People, or We Humanity? Bonding as a Global Community. Etnofoor 29(2):59-81.
- 2017. Anti-genocide activists and the responsibility to protect. London and New York: Routledge.
- 2015. Self-censorship: get used to it [in Dutch] (‘Zelfcensuur: wen er maar aan’). Essay in ‘Letter & Geest’-magazine Trouw, Saturday January 25.
- 2015. ‘R2P-advocates have lost their belief in human rights’ [in Dutch] (‘R2P-lobbyisten hebben hun geloof in mensenrechten zo goed als opgegeven’). Oneworld, online magazine on international cooperation.
- 2014. The holy war of human rights [in Dutch] (‘De heilige oorlog van de mensenrechten’). Op goed gerucht, Dutch magazine for practitioners & scholars in Theology. October Issue.
- 2010. The Ethic of Refusal. Making Sense of Sudan. Book review. Social Science Council.
- 2009. Drawn by disasters: why the human rights movement struggles with good news stories. Making Sense of Darfur. Former Blog Social Science Research Council.
- 2009. Towards an Anthropological Analysis of the Human Rights Worldview. Making Sense of Darfur. Former Blog Social Science Research Council.
- 2009. A Bright Beacon of Success and Hope. Book review. The Broker, Issue 15, August 2009.
- 2008. 3D Revisited: a context-specific approach to post-conflict reconstruction and peace building. Internationale Spectator, April 62(4): p.191-196 [in Dutch].
Paper presentations
- September 2017, ‘Dialogic moments as experiences of the sacred in the secular’, Reimagining Difference Conference of the Centre for Conflict, Religion and Globalization, Groningen University.
- August 2017, ‘Existential anthropology’, Inclusive Peace and Transition Institute (IPTI), Graduate Institute Geneva, Switzerland.
- September 2015, ‘Legitimizing Interventions’, at the Humanitarian Effectiveness Conference, Manchester University, Manchester, United Kingdom.
- June 2015, ‘Religion and Humanitarianism’, Humanity House, The Hague.
- May 2014, ‘The Sacralization of Humanity: Subject Making in Global Humanitarianism’. Joint European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR) and International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR) conference, Groningen, the Netherlands.
- April 2014, ‘Advocating Moral Truths’. Religion, Media and the Body-seminar, Meertens Institute, Amsterdam.
- December 2012, ‘Humanitarian Activism: Some Initial Research Findings’. Secularism, religion and politics-seminar, chaired by Prof. Talal Asad, CUNY Graduate Center, New York.
- June 2011, ‘Engaged Scholarship and the Production of Humanitarian Truth’. Second World Conference of Humanitarian Studies, Tufts University, Medford, USA.
- July 2010, ‘Tracing the Origins of the Sacred in Humanitarian Military Interventions’. Seminar and authors meeting Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland.
- August 2009, ‘Coping with Human Cruelty: Humanitarian Interventions as a Cultural Response’. European Summer School in Cultural Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- January 2009, ‘Responsibility to Protect: the outcome of Wilson’s dream or the prelude to Beck’s nightmare?’ World Conference of Humanitarian Studies, Groningen, the Netherlands.
Commissioned studies
Policy briefings
- 2012, Women, Peace and Security in Northeast India. Policy briefing for Cordaid.
- 2011, For Better or Worse? Exploring a policy position on global common goods. Discussion paper for Cordaid.
- 2010, Gender-responsive Peace- and Statebuilding: Transforming the Culture of Power in Fragile States. Policy briefing for Cordaid and WO=MEN.
Review and evaluation studies
- 2015, Safety First: Mending the Gap of Security Sector Responsiveness, Capacity and Accountability in Afghanistan. Review document for Oxfam Novib Afghanistan.
- 2015, Gender and Peacebuilding. Literature review for Cordaid and UN Women.
- 2014, Policy Evaluation Women Peace and Security. Desk study for Clingendael and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- 2012, Enhancing the Cumulative Impact of 1325 Efforts in Afghanistan. Review and scoping study for Oxfam Novib Afghanistan.
- 2009, Evaluating Cordaid’s Policy Influencing on Afghanistan. Evaluation study for Cordaid.
- 2009, Vulnerability reduction in post-tsunami Aceh. Final evaluation study for Hivos.
Case studies
- 2018 (forthcoming). ‘If you need us, allow us!’ The role of faith-based organisations in enhancing civic space. Examples from Kenya, Ethiopia and Indonesia. Research report commissioned by the Civic Engagement Alliance (CEA).
- 2016, Women, Peace and Security in Timor-Leste. Turning Global Commitments into Local Actions. Case study documenting process to develop a national action plan for women, peace and security in Timor-Leste. Developed in cooperation with UN Women, Timor-Leste government and local NGOs.
- 2015, Safety First. Three best practices studies documenting inclusive approaches to increase the local security of Afghan citizens. Internal publication developed in cooperation with Oxfam Novib Afghanistan and local partners.
- 2012, Manoeuvring Parliament (‘Bewegen op het Binnenhof’). Perception research for
- IKV Pax Christi.
Program Strategies/Background Documents
- 2017, Dare Difference(s): A Feminist Approach to Peace and Security. Program Strategy for Dutch peace building organisation PAX.
- 2017, Citizens in Action: Resistance, Change and Connection (‘De burger aan zet: verzet, verandering, verbinding’). Proposal for peace building program in the Netherlands. Internal document developed in cooperation with PAX.
- 2015, Transformative Leadership for Peace and Security. Background paper to guide curriculum development of International Institute for Women Leadership in Peace and Security. Internal publication developed in cooperation with Cordaid (Dutch NGO) and CREA (Indian feminist NGO).
- 2012, A Roadmap to Peace for the Great Lakes Region. Program proposal for Oxfam Novib.
- 2011, Setting the Agenda and Infrastructure for Joint Advocacy on Conflict Prevention and Peace Building. Strategy document for IKV Pax Christi and GPPAC.
- 2011, Peace My Right Campaign. Program proposal for Oxfam Novib Pakistan.
- 2010, Women’s Leadership and Participation in Decision-making. Policy strategy paper for Cordaid.